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Some teachers have sent me their own creations. Wonderful. If you want me to post some of your tasks, send them to me at marchelgesen(a)gmail.com.
I can't promise to post them all but I'll try to include as many as I can. Anything I publisher here should be free for teachers to copy. Please make sure they don't contain anythings (including pictures) that would be a copyright violation.
From Alison Nemoto of Miyagi University of Education. Alison did an Open Campus presentation using several Positive Psychology in ELT ideas. Here's the handout: Open Campus Presentation.
From Curtis Kelly in Koyto, Japan. He edited an an activity by Rex Tanimoto, based on a love letter written by a nearly 80-year-old Japanese woman to her husband who was killed in the war 50 years earlier. Touching. Writing and Sharing a Love Letter.
From Joan Challongen, an ALT near Nagoya and Marc's student at Nagoya University of Foreign Students. These lessons are for late elementary or junior high students.
From Setsuko Toyama in Niigata, Japan - Compliments -- Japanese kids From the 10 minutes for happiness set, but reframed for Japanese children.
From Pamila J. Florea in Yongin, South Korea -- A laughter exercise with a coin (speaking and writing) and Laughter is the best medicine.
From Clair Taylor in Gifu, Japan -- Top 20 smiles Students work, usually in pairs. They get this list of 20 types of smiles. They might need a dictionary to understand some. And they try to do those smiles together.
A "Happiness PechaKucha" PowerPoint from Eleanor Kane, Shimane, Japan. See her notes to know what to say for each slide. You'll need to personalize two of the slides. Here is information on "What is a PechaKuch?".
Poster Sessions from the Nov, 2016 "Positive Psychology in Language Teaching" conference in Sendai, Japan:
Dom Jones' poster. Emotional Hostage Rescue - when good is bad & bad is good
Cory Koby: Happiness Is... A Warm Pen
Kyle Maclauchlan's poster: English Enhanced - Reach the Unreachable Learner
Jason Walter's youtube video: Selling Positive Psychology to a Skeptical Colleague
Jess Zoni Upton's youtube video: 10 minutes for happiness