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Like everyone, I get by with a little help from my friends. These are a few Internet links you might find useful.
NEW Here's a useful infographic that gives some interesting "happiness" information: https://goo.gl/JiJSok
Nik Peachly, an ELT materials developer from the UK (I think) has developed a set of lessons to go along with the infographic. It only cost £ 1.50 to buy the lessons -- well worth it.
NEW Here's a site I just learned about: 54 ways to remain health and happy. A lot of the ideas emphasize the important link between the mind and body.
Positive Psychology Daily News. You can sign up for an almost daily newsletter. Very short, just a page or two. But it lets you keep of with trends, new books, etc. I live in Asia and it is always in my in-box first thing in the morning. Nice way to start the day.
The Greater Good Science Center at UC-Berkeley has lots of short articles and other resources including links to the research behind the articles.
Authentic Happiness. This is Martin Seligman's site at the University of Pennysalvania. Many resources, including his famous "Character Strengths" Questionnaire. I'm sure you'll probably want to take that yourself. I still haven't figured out how to make it simple enough for students.
Tal ben-Shahar (teacher of the largest class at Harvard, a positive psych. class) has a series of short talks at BigThink.com.
Barbara Fredrickson's Positive Emotion and Psychophysiology Lab (PEP Lab) at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill. You can take her "positivity test" which gives you information about yourself and adds to her database.
Sonja Lyubomirsky's website at the University of California - Riverside. Hey, there's even a "How of happiness" song.
Speaking of songs, Brian Cullen wrote a song called, "Random Acts of Happiness" after one of my talks.
The Laughter Yoga site. Lots of videos and practice ideas.